
Siria's Sorah Spooktacular

Created by Vince Hernandez

Siria Underworld Pimp Hustla Halloween Sorah Suhng Cosplay Variants!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books Have Shipped!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 10:33:01 AM

90% of the orders have shipped out between last Friday and today, including ALL digital books! The only remaining pledge orders are a small batch of international orders and the rewards that require a remark by Sorah Suhng. Those should be out in days as well. Thanks to everyone for their patience during our fulfillment, we wanted to make sure the books and packagaing/shipping process was of the highest quality and effort. Also, for anyone that purchased the mystery metal tier, those have ended up being super limited, with books limited to 5 copies as well as the Gold 1 of 1s! We hope you enjoy your items! 

Books are in!
4 months ago – Mon, May 20, 2024 at 11:23:56 AM

Yay! The books are in and have been QC'd ( quality contol ) meaning only the good clean books are being used to fulfill orders. We will now start the fulfillment process and get these long awaited books out to you ASAP! Thank you for your patience! We think they are worth the wait, We will update you as the fulfillment progresses and shipping starts.

Printing update!
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 02:38:46 PM

We have been expecting the books from the printer anytime. We just found out there was a printing problem and the books will be delayed a few weeks. We have everything else ready to go and once the books are here we will get them out to you right away. We anticipate that all rewards will be shipped in May. We apologize for this delay and will act quickly once the books arrive to get them in your hands as soon as possible!

Fulfillment Starts Soon!
6 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 11:31:38 AM

Hey all, I wanted to update you on the status of the Siria Sorah Spooktacular. We've received in all of the Trick or Treat freebie items such as the Siria Pokemon card, an awesome new die-cut sticker and more, and the books are printing as we speak, so we anticipate that fulfillment will begin in about 3-4 weeks, with shipping going rather quickly once we begin. Everything looks great and we're excited to deliver these awesome new variants and the extra goodies to all of you very soon! As always, thanks for your amazing support! Below is s sneak peek at the free Spooktacular Trick or Treat bag!


Surveys Lock Tomorrow
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 02:12:59 PM

Hi all,

We allowed for a few extra days for any outstanding surveys to be received, and tomorrow will be the final day to get them in before orders are locked in for fulfillment. If you haven't filled out yours yet please get it in before then, thanks, and Happy Holiday! 
